Dec 4, 2008

Dedicated To My Sweetheart

FYI: you don't need an Xbox for this to be funny--although the truer it is, the less funny it gets--so for me, it was like 44% funny.

But to be fair, the Esq is working downtown right now, so there's not a lot of time for games, much less ignoring me; I just loved this video. I could do much worse in the Gaming Geek department (I'm not a WoW widow, which is nice). Thanks to Bangs McGee for sending it to me!


matt said...

Urm. How can you endorse such blatant Flight of the Conchords knock-offs?? You've betrayed New Zealand. Yes. Yes you have.

matt said...

I mean, like, how can you hate Bret and Jemaine like that? Are you Australian or something?

Snotty McSnotterson said...

Because of the lyrics. And these guys sing better, and make better harmonies. That being said, I like FotC better, but this had the message I was going for. You'll get over it--I believe in your abilities!

Snotty McSnotterson said...

Don't ever call me Australian again! I'm no FELON.

Unknown said...

Firstly, I will not even compare them to FOTC's ...but I will say, they are funny and harmonize well.

My husband is a mad gamer but if I walked in front of him with no clothes on he wouldn't think twice about pausing it right then and there. lol. On the other hand, if I asked him to take out the trash whilst gaming ...he would ignore all sounds coming out of my mouth!

Snotty McSnotterson said...

For shiz, Maegan! Although I've seen your picture, and I can't really imagine *any* guy turning you down, even if he was in the middle of making love to his wife.