I received two little guys last year from the Esq; this year, I got the Special Edition guys that I didn't even know existed! The best part was how they were wrapped, which was within a diorama the Esq made of our relationship, from the beginning all the way into teh futurez. Their names are Jim and Pam (from The Office, of course) because they look Jim and Pam-ish; the guys from last year are named Sam Seaborn and Ainsley Hayes (our favorites from the West Wing). My first two guys were from when I was married, and unfortunately, my sisters' kids ripped their arms off, so they are now named Mr. and Mrs. Allen (after Rick Allen, the drummer from Def Leppard, and his first wife, Stacy--the one he allegedly beat with one arm).
If you enjoy collecting little dudes (or love polymer clay for some reason), check out My Guys at Meredith Dittmar's website, www.corporatepig.com. I think they're really special. And now I have six!
A diorama!?!?!?!
that is so flipping cool. i love it. happy birthday.
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