Nov 14, 2008

Two Shows: A Review

The Lykke Li show at Neumo's was fascinating. Lykke Li herself was a dancing enigma; she busted a move like I've never seen. Within the space of twenty seconds, she: Sang. Marched. Jazzercised. Spirit-fingered. Raved. Spun. Mick Jaggered. Tina Turnered. Celine Dioned. Playboy Bunnied. Bette Midlered. Catwalked. Woodstocked. Marvin Gayed. Booty-danced. Stripped. Hair-whipped. Hopped. Lambasted the cymbals. Pretend-fainted. Played the kazoo with actual feeling. Harmonized. Shook her tambourine. Kept her hips in perpetual grinding motion. Screamed into the heavens. And I'm not kidding when I say: this is just the stuff I remember. She was a small Swedish blond with a big personality, to say the very least. Watch her make the kazoo look almost SEXY, here:

Fujiya & Miyagi are a band that came out of nowhere, which isn't actually true because I think they came from England. However, they were relatively new to me, and I was really blown away by their live performance. The stuff we downloaded from them was lacking in luster, but their show was full and energetic; it's hard to tell what an 'electronic British indie band' is going to sound like live. The only thing I didn't vibe with was the crowd of drunken hipsters; man, I hate people at shows, although that might be directly related to how I hate people in general. Fortunately, the show was worth it.

The ballet I attended last night needs a post of its own; if I start writing it now, I might be done by Christmas. I have A LOT to say about the ballet. A. LOT.


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