Jan 30, 2009

The Story of My Life

The only difference on my chart would be a combined button of Bed and Ice Cream.


Anonymous said...

Yeah dude, thank god you're a man.

Wait... what?

Michelle Auer said...

Mine would have a few more love triangles.

Buttercup said...

My chart would have way more cats and less babies.

Manthony said...

Hear hear!

Snotty McSnotterson said...

Tamara: well, I have to be part-man. I'm certainly not 100% Girl. Bleh.

Snotty McSnotterson said...

LOL Michelle, you're so clever - and I'm sure they would be very interesting!

Snotty McSnotterson said...

Buttercup: I second that motion. WAY less babies... and less pets, too. Just a life filled with ice cream and naps and husband and diamonds.

Snotty McSnotterson said...

Manthony's would have more cats, too!

Anonymous said...

LOL, I have that ready to post.... so funny


Snotty McSnotterson said...

Isn't it hilarious? And for a BEER, no less.