Jan 20, 2009

New Beginnings, Old Soil

It's here! It's here! It's here! It's here! Today, Dubya is gone, baby, gone. I can't believe today is today--and I can't believe my level of excitement propelled me out of bed at the crack of dawn this morning, just so I could do a happy little jig in my underwear and shoot ten thousand professional fireworks into the sky.

Josh came over this weekend, and brought his new Acer Netbook with him, the newest little laptop to sweep our nation. Weighing in at 2.2 pounds, this laptop is Lilliputian in size, and in price: compared to the $2,000 Macbook Pro (which every blogger seems to covet), the Netbook's $300 price tag is closer to my price range... although right now, my savings consist of about three dollars in bus change and a $2 bill my grandma gave me, twenty years ago. That being said, I am woefully without a laptop, so I won't be posting any inauguration stories until tomorrow--sorry. I'll be too busy dancing with the crazy idea of living in a country I like again. What a strange concept.

Still: Inauguration Day + Dubya's Final Exit = a giddy and invigorated Snotty McSnotterson. Oh, I am going to celebrate SO FREAKING HARD today; I am going to enjoy this historical moment. But, as the picture above implies, it's not going to be a cake walk. There's a lot of work to be done, and nothing worth having has ever been achieved easily.

To quote Andrew Sullivan: "Yes, he can. Can we?" I hope so.


Mike said...

I've had my eye on those netbooks for awhile, and sweet baby jeebus they just went on sale at Buy for $289 shipped. Oh yeah, and... go America!

Snotty McSnotterson said...

I'm going to save my pennies, and hopefully get one when I'm 36!

Anonymous said...

Holy shizzorino, girl. This is hilarious :) Hope your Obama Day was awesome!

Anonymous said...

I love it--and I'm ready for a new beginning, too!

Snotty McSnotterson said...

Did you just say, "Holy shizzorino"? You're taking G-speak and Italian to a new level, my friend.

Hope yours was good, too!

Snotty McSnotterson said...

Stacey, did you guys do anything fun? I didn't see anything on the site. Or is this a different Stacey... I thought your name was spelled differently. Anyways, thanks for the comment :)

Snotty McSnotterson said...


Snotty McSnotterson said...

Well, Anonymous, I thought you might have been Matt, but Matt likes to take credit for his comments--so you must be another Apple Whore. Le sigh.

You send me 2K, and I will buy myself a Macbook Pro. Or, maybe I'll buy myself SIX NETBOOKS. It's a pretty easy choice.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, not the Stacey you're thinking LOL. I just friended you on Yelp, followed the link. :) You''re a fun writer, I'm glad I found your blog!

Snotty McSnotterson said...

Oh! Well, WELCOME STACEY WITH AN -EY! I'll keep an eye out for that other Stacy, never fear. :)

matt said...

What? Who's being me? What *Anonymous* are you talking about??
I'm sooo confused! Help!

Unknown said...

A Macbook? Well... it is shiny. And made by Apple. Ok, I want one too.

Mike said...

Last comment was me, not Lisa. Lisa would never call MacSheeple into question.

Snotty McSnotterson said...

Mattski, no worries--I can't even remember what this is about. I'm just glad you're here :)

Snotty McSnotterson said...

Lisa and Mike: I feel some counseling coming on. Jussayin'.